Blog Post 6: Power Family

I have been blessed with an amazing wife, and a spectacular daughter. A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough attend PAX Unplugged 2017 in Philly with my business partner Andy and his wife Sarah and their son archer. I can’t stress enough that I would have not made it to, or even through that convention without the love and support of my wife and daughter.


Myriah is always at my side, always has my back, and helps check my rampant ADD so that I can actually get what I need to done on time. Between interviews and playtesting at PAX, I wouldn’t have been able to eat, go to the bathroom, step out for a second, or film anything without her assistance. She’s just the best partner I could ask for, and she works so hard, working to get her masters, being an amazing, flawless role model for our young daughter, and keeping our lives together in general.


I can’t thank her enough, and I’ve got comics and videos about the convention brewing, so stay posted, and don’t forget to look both ways. Thanks again for everything hun, love you!


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