Blog Post 4: A Part of Things

Hey there! So recently I’ve been doing more family art commissions, and that’s been a really fun thing to do. People have reached out to me to make pieces for their loved ones, and I feel like I’ve gotten to be a part of some really meaningful moments.


This piece I did for an old coworker for her sister who is going through some tough medical treatment and really misses being able to dance with her son. The story really touched me and it was really fun to make this piece for them.


This piece I did for a friend who wanted to give her husband a birthday gift that illustrated his relationship with their son. I got to learn a lot about their relationship, and it was so much fun illustrating these little glimpses into their life.

I want to keep doing pieces like these, it’s really cool to be able to see other families through my lens. I hope you guys like these pieces, and stay tuned for more glimpses at my own family!


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